How the Set Aside Prayer Empowers Recovery in AA

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It impacts their health, relationships, and overall quality of life. One of the most effective programs for helping people recover from alcoholism is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Central to this program is the Set Aside Prayer, a tool that allows individuals to surrender their past beliefs and judgments to create a fresh perspective on their lives. This healing prayer is a vital part of the process for many individuals seeking recovery.

In this article, we will explore the Set Aside Prayer, its significance in Alcoholics Anonymous, and how it can aid in transforming the lives of those struggling with alcoholism.

What is the Set Aside Prayer?

The Set Aside Prayer is a short, simple prayer that encourages individuals to open their hearts and minds.
Its core purpose is to help participants release preconceived notions, past beliefs, and judgments, fostering humility. This openness allows them to approach their recovery process with a fresh perspective and greater clarity.

The Set Aside Prayer holds special significance in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Members are encouraged to release past resentments. They also let go of ideas that could hinder their recovery. It is a way for individuals to release the limitations of their ego and embrace a fresh start.

Origins of the Set Aside Prayer

The Set Aside Prayer AA has its roots in the teachings and philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous. While prayer is not a formal part of the AA literature, it has become a staple in many meetings, providing a helpful tool for spiritual growth and healing.

The Set Aside Prayer in Alcoholics Anonymous is often shared at the beginning of meetings with center participants. It helps clear their minds of distractions and judgments, allowing them to focus on others’ messages with greater clarity.

The Set Aside Prayer in Alcoholics Anonymous

In Alcoholics Anonymous, members often see the Set Aside Prayer as a way to develop a relationship with a higher power. The prayer encourages participants to be open to spiritual guidance and recognize that their past thinking may not have been effective in leading them toward recovery.

The prayer itself is simple yet powerful. It can be recited in any form that resonates with the individual, but the most common version is as follows:

God, please help me to set aside everything I think I know about myself, my disease, and you, so that I may have an open mind and a new experience.

Grant me the strength to release what no longer serves me, the courage to face each day, and the peace to embrace the journey ahead. May I find healing in surrender, wisdom in humility, and light in the fellowship of others. Guide my steps, and open my heart to the transformation that recovery brings. Amen.

This prayer is designed to help individuals remain open to the possibility of change. It encourages humility, allowing people to acknowledge that they may not have all the answers and that they need guidance from a higher power.

1. Prayer for Releasing the Past

Lord, help me set aside my past beliefs, judgments, and fears that no longer serve me. Open my heart to new understanding, free from the weight of old resentments. Grant me the humility to see things as they are, not as I’ve been conditioned to see them. Guide me in embracing the present moment, trusting in your wisdom. Amen.

2. Prayer for Open-Mindedness

God, grant me the courage to set aside my preconceived notions and embrace a new perspective. Let me approach each moment with an open mind and a willing heart, ready to learn from my experiences and those around me. May I always be open to your guidance, trusting that you will lead me on the path of recovery. Amen.

3. Prayer for Surrender and Healing

Dear Higher Power, help me to set aside my need for control and surrender to your will. May I release the fears and doubts that hold me back from true healing. With your love, help me step into the freedom of recovery, trusting that you will provide the strength I need one day at a time. Amen.

4. Prayer for New Beginnings

God, I ask that you help me set aside my old ways of thinking and believing. Open my heart to the possibilities of new beginnings, free from the limitations of my past. Grant me the grace to see the world with fresh eyes, allowing me to grow and transform through your love. Amen.

5. Prayer for Guidance and Clarity

Spirit, help me to set aside my doubts and confusion, that I may hear your voice clearly. Remove the distractions that cloud my mind and lead me to the clarity I need to make wise choices. May your guidance shine brightly as I walk the path of recovery, trusting that you will illuminate each step. Amen.

The Big Book

The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, formally known as Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism, is the foundational text for the AA fellowship. Published in 1939, it outlines the principles of the 12-step program and shares personal stories of individuals who have struggled with alcoholism and found recovery through faith, self-reflection, and community support. The Big Book serves not only as a guide for understanding addiction but also as a source of hope and encouragement, helping individuals navigate their personal recovery journeys. It emphasizes the power of honesty, spiritual awakening, and the importance of ongoing support within the fellowship.

How Prayer Can Aid in Recovery

The Set Aside Prayer AA plays a crucial role in the recovery process for many individuals. The prayer serves as a reminder that personal growth requires letting go of rigid beliefs and old ways of thinking. In Alcoholics Anonymous, participants are encouraged to approach their recovery with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Here are some ways in which the Prayer can support recovery:

  1. Promotes Humility
    The prayer helps individuals surrender their egos and adopt a more humble approach to life. By recognizing that their previous beliefs and behaviors have not been effective, they are better able to accept guidance from others and a higher power.
  2. Encourages Openness to Change
    Many individuals entering AA may have struggled with alcoholism for years. They may have developed deep-seated beliefs and habits that no longer serve them. The Set Aside Prayer helps them to let go of these old patterns and be open to new experiences and perspectives.
  3. Fosters Spiritual Connection
    For many individuals in recovery, spirituality plays a significant role in their healing process. The Set Aside Prayer helps them to connect with a higher power and find peace, strength, and guidance in their journey to sobriety.
  4. Reduces Judgment and Resentment
    One of the core teachings of Alcoholics Anonymous is to let go of judgment and resentment. The Set Aside Prayer is a powerful tool for releasing negative emotions and adopting a more compassionate, understanding approach toward oneself and others.
  5. Strengthens Mindfulness
    By helping individuals focus on the present moment, the Set Aside Prayer encourages mindfulness. This can be especially helpful for individuals who have struggled with addiction, as it allows them to let go of past regrets and future anxieties.

The Importance of the Set Aside Prayer in AA

The Set Aside Prayer Alcoholics Anonymous has become a vital component of the program for many participants. It serves as a reminder that recovery is not just about abstaining from alcohol, but also about changing one’s mindset and developing a deeper spiritual connection.

The prayer allows individuals to reflect on their journey and encourages them to be open to new experiences. It helps them move beyond the limitations of their past and embrace a future filled with hope and possibility.

Is the Set Aside Prayer AA Approved?

Many newcomers to AA may wonder if the organization officially approves the Set Aside Prayer AA. While the prayer is not explicitly mentioned in AA literature, the fellowship has widely accepted it. Members often use the Set Aside Prayer in meetings, finding it a helpful spiritual tool in their recovery process.

It is important to note that Alcoholics Anonymous is a non-denominational program, meaning that individuals of all religious beliefs or no religious belief at all can participate. The Set Aside Prayer is inclusive and can adapt to suit an individual’s spiritual or non-spiritual practices.

How to Use the Set Aside Prayer

The Prayer can be used in various ways during the recovery process. Here are some ways that individuals incorporate the prayer into their daily lives:

  1. At the beginning of AA Meetings
    Many AA meetings begin with the Set Aside Prayer to help participants clear their minds and focus on the present moment. This sets the tone for the meeting, allowing individuals to be receptive to new insights and experiences.
  2. In Daily Reflection
    Individuals in recovery may recite the Prayer each morning to begin their day with an open mind and heart. This can help them approach challenges with humility and openness.
  3. During Moments of Struggle
    The Set Aside Prayer can be a helpful tool during moments of difficulty. For instance, when faced with temptation, frustration, or self-doubt, individuals can recite the prayer. This helps them release their fears and reconnect with a higher power
  4. As part of Personal Meditation or Prayer
    Many people incorporate the Set Aside Prayer AA into their spiritual practices. It can be a part of a broader meditation or prayer routine, helping individuals to stay grounded and focused on their recovery goals.

Closing Insights on the Set Aside Prayer in AA

The Set Aside Prayer is a powerful and transformative tool in the recovery process for Alcoholics Anonymous members. It helps people let go of old beliefs and judgments, opening their hearts and minds to new possibilities. By fostering humility, spirituality, and mindfulness, the prayer supports long-term recovery and personal growth. The Set Aside Prayer in AA is a powerful tool for healing and transformation, especially during meetings or struggles. Furthermore, it offers support in daily reflection, helping individuals release past beliefs and embrace new perspectives.

Yes, the Set Aside Prayer can be used by anyone seeking spiritual guidance and openness, regardless of whether they are a member of AA.


Although not officially in AA literature, the Set Aside Prayer is widely accepted as a tool for spiritual growth.
It is considered helpful for recovery within the AA community.


The Set Aside Prayer can be recited as often as needed. Many people use it daily, especially at the beginning of their day or during challenging moments in their recovery.


Although the Set Aside Prayer is commonly used in Alcoholics Anonymous, it can also be beneficial for anyone seeking personal transformation. Furthermore, it fosters spiritual openness, making it a valuable tool for all.

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